About The New Book

November 13, 2014

It’s out. Small Blue Yonder: Black And White Comics From The Early Days! The book features my favorite SBY comics from 2013, back when I made them with pen and black & white wash. You can buy it HERE.


The book is 8.5″ x 8.5″. There are 57 pages of comics, three to a page, 171 comics in all. It’s printed as if it were a color book, even though the comics are black and white. Why? I had a black and white proof done and the comic’s sometimes subtle wash got lost in the halftone. It looks really good via color printing though, so I’m pretty happy.
Hey! If you happen to get a copy of the book, and you like it, and you feel like writing about it on Amazon, that will be greatly appreciated!

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You can contact Small Blue Yonder via cwood@smallblueyonder.com